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Theatre History Studies is devoted to research and excellence in all areas of theatre history. Manuscripts should be prepared in conformity with the guidelines established in the Chicago Manual of Style and sent to
Jocelyn L. BucknerEditor, Theatre History Studies Chapman University
Book Review inquiries should be directed to Kellen Hoxworth, Book Review Editor:
Kellen HoxworthBook Review Editor University at Buffalo – SUNY
Department of Theatre & Dance
285 Alumni Arena
Amherst, NY 14260
Click “here” for a list of books available for review consideration.
Theatre History Studies is an official journal of the Mid-America Theatre Conference, Inc. (MATC). At its founding, the conference region encompassed the states of Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Now the conference draws from national membership. Its purposes are to unite persons and organizations within the region with an interest in theatre and to promote the growth and development of all forms of theatre.
Subscriptions and Back Issues
Theatre History Studies is published by the University of Alabama Press; a summary of manuscript requirements and style can be found on this Guidelines for Contributors page. Illustrations are encouraged. Consulting Editors review the manuscripts, a process which takes approximately two months. The journal does not normally accept studies of dramatic literature unless there is a focus on actual production and performance.
A one-year subscription to Theatre History Studies is included in the Conference Registration Fee. A subscription can also be purchased by joining Mid America Theatre Conference. Information on membership (which does not include Conference Registration) can be found here. Finally, Theatre History Studies can be purchased directly from the publisher, The University of Alabama Press.
Back issues are available at $13 per issue for individuals, $25 for libraries and organizations. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Theatre History Studies.